Outreach / Social

Dr. Arslan-Ergül runs a quite successful YouTube channel with more than 8500 subscribers on Molecular Biology & Genetics lectures, experiment videos, university introductions, book reviews, interviews with MBG alumni, advices and so on. Link

You can find a list of videos in published in YouTube channel by this link.

The lab also has an official Instagram account that shares fun experiment footage! Link

Dr. Arslan-Ergul also has a twitter account that you can follow. Link

My DNA Summer School

Arslan-Ergül Lab organized a summer school for girls in 9-10th grade, aiming to introduce them to the scientific world. The summer school was funded by TÜBİTAK 4004, and it happened on 2022 summer. You can see the details of this event on the dedicated website via this link.

Haydi Arkadaşlar Bilim Başına!

Dr. Ergül runs a social awareness project called “Haydi Arkadaşlar Bilim Başına!”, directly translated as “Friends, let’s do science!”. She visits high schools, university clubs, and many more places to encourage young people to do science. You can find a list of places she has given the confrences at, via this link.